GoPro Hero 7 Black Unboxing & Setup

Good day folks today it is gopro day theGoPro Hero 7 black hero 7 silver andhero 7 white all became available thismorning for purchase so in this videowe're just going to do a quick unboxingand set it up for the first time andthen we'll take a closer look at it andtalk about some of the new features sothere's not a lot of change in thehardware for the hero 7 black you cansee now that it's actually black that'sbasically the only outward change thatyou can see now that's not necessarily abad thing because that makes itcompatible with all existing GoPromounts and accessories such as thebattery charger the supersuit so all thegear for the hero 5 black the hero 6black is 100% compatible with the hero 7black now.

 just before we get started youcan see some of the key features hereand pretty well the same as itspredecessors except now it does HDRphotos it has a new stabilization modecalled hyper smooth and it now does livestreaming so we'll be testing that outin future videos for sure so we'll takethe camera off the mount there insidethe box here there's going to be somestandard things a little pamphlet onGoPro plus some stickers and the usermanual inside the box here we got ourstandard 2 mounts and a USBC cable and abattery so let's take the GoPro out ofthe case and we'll take a look at it soas you can see here it's identical tothe hero 6 black accepted it is a darkershade of grey we have the USB C port andan HDMI port their battery compartmenton the bottom so when we compare to thehero 6 black you can see exact samedimensions there's no difference thereat all but you can see there are somesubtle changes the texture on the bottomthere and the sides is different andthis has more of just a matte finishit's rubberized so we will put ourbattery in and hopefully.

 we have enoughcharge in there to finish the setupprocedure have to remove the backsilicone there you can see the markingsfor the hero's own blacka bit different now they've got thelarge seven with a black both on theframe and on the camera itself now oneof GoPros main selling points of thisnew camera is that it is a gimbal coloras what they're calling it the hypersmooth stabilization is supposed to bepretty good to the point where you canget similar results as if this wasmounted in a gimbal now we willdefinitely be testing that over thecoming weeks we'll be making differentcomparison videos and see how good itactually is the other nice thing aboutthe hyper smooth is that it nowstabilizes your video in 4k 60 on thehero 6 black you could only get thestabilization in 4k 30so having stabilization on 4k 60 isactually really good because most of thetime.

 I like to film at 4k 60 just forthe fact that it gives me the option toslow it down in post and you know getthat nice smooth video if I want to acouple of the new features is now sayingit does live streaming and we'll betesting that out another new featurethat GoPro is introduced with the hero 7black is something that they're callingTime Warp now time warp is essentially amoving time-lapse otherwise known as ahyper lapse and basically what it isit's you know if you're driving orwalking you can get some really coollooking time lapses now the thing withcreating hyper lapses is you have tokeep the camera very very steady so withthe time warp feature it helps get ridof all the shake and distortion so itlooks very smooth and fluid so let's getthis thing fired up and we'll get itconnected to a smartphone and then we'lltake a look at some of the new menus itwill power it onso check English legal stuff you can seethat there it actually says legal stuffturn GPS on it's telling us it's givingus information about connecting it toour GoPro app so we'll set that downwe'll launch our GoPro app and that'skind of nice if you seen that therethat's one of the other features of thehero 7.

 simple set up all I did was hitto add camera and it searched and itfound the hero 7 black so I'll just hitconnect to camera will pair it andthat's a nice new feature there as wellyou can see that it's allowing us toname the camera you used to be able todo that with a hero 5s and hero 6 as youweren't able to change name of yourcamerathere is a camera update available butI'm gonna skip it for now we'll do thatafter just because there's not enoughbattery power in there to do the updateso it's all ready to go so yeah justlike that so that was actually verysimple compared to how it used to be youknow you have to putting in yourpassword and connecting it to Wi-Fi sothat's gonna make it a lot easier for alot of people you know gets rid of somefrustration for sure you can see theinterface is quite different you justslide across to go to the differentmodes so we will not dive deeper intothat in a upcoming video.

 so what I'mgonna do is go ahead and charge thisbattery up and then we will continuewith our video ok folks so we're allcharged up now the first thing I'm gonnado is throw some memory into it I'mgoing with the SanDisk Extreme Pro I usethese at all my devices drones andeverything we're the good card I'llinclude the links down below to that sowe got the memory card here we'll justinsert it like normal fits in the sameway as all the other GoPros just likethat so now we're gonna turn it on andthe menu system is quite a bit differentin this new GoPro and actually I quitelike it I've already played around withit a little bit here and it's made somereally good improvements now what'sdifferent here is we used to slide fromthe right hand side and that would bringup our protune settings stabilizationand different options that way but nowto get to that we touch this button hereand that brings up all of our settingsand what's really nice about it iseverything is in one screen now youdon't have to keep swiping to get toevery setting so if you want to changethe field of view we can do so byclicking on it and adjusting.

 it justlike normal and it gives you the livepreview like the hero 6 did we canenable and disable stabilization we canturn protune on and off when it's on youcan see it gives us a whole bunch of newsettings that we can mess around with soto change modes now there's a coupledifferent ways we can do it we can clickon the mode button down in the bottomleft hand corner from there we can slideover to time-lapse or we can slide overto photo and that's where we dive in alittle bit deeper like under photo modewe have photo burst at night then wehave video and looping so in thetime-lapse many you can see they'vechanged it they've gotten rid of thetime-lapse video and it's been replacedby time-warp video they still have timelapse photo and they also have nightlapse photo so the time work video isthat kind of hyper lapse mode .

where youcan do thecool moving time-lapses so we'lldefinitely get into that in an upcomingvideo now the other way you can changemodes is just swiping on the screen leftor right for example we're in video modeif we want to quickly go to time-lapsemode we just swipe that way and it willput us into time-lapse mode if we wantto go back puts us back in the videomode and swipe again goes to photo modeso to change our resolution and framerate we can click on that button thereand then we click this button up hereand that brings up all our frame ratesand resolutions and one interestingthing you can change here is they havean aspect ratio up at the top right handside we can go from 16 by 9 to 4 by 3and it gives you all the appropriateresolutions so in the 16 by 9 it's gotthe standard 4k 2.7 1080 and 720 andfrom.

 there we can click on all thedifferent frame rates so yeah that willdefinitely take a little bit of gettingused to one quick thing I want to showyou here before I go is if we swipe downthat brings up our settings it's gotsome quick buttons there so you can turnon and off voice command you can enableand disable the beeps the little icon ofthe rabbit allows you to enable anddisable quick capture and then againyou've got the locking buttonpreferences gives you the same kind ofpreferences that we've always had andwhen you go to connections I did noticethere and I was kind of wondering if wego to connect device it is still listingthe remote remote there so I wasn'tquite sure if they were going to removethat feature since the Remos beentechnically discontinued they don't haveit on the GoPro site but it looks likethe hero 7 does support the Remo if youdo have it so another interesting thingthat they've added is you can changeyour compression your format there ifyou click on it allows you to switchfrom.

 H EVC or to h.264 and hvc dependingon which is it thinks is best so that'skind of interesting that they've addedthat some people like to film in thatnew format so two more little thingshere to get to your recorded media nowwe swipe up from the bottom not from theside and they have this new littlefeature for shooting quick little 1530-second clips if we click on it on theside there you can set your duration 30seconds 15 seconds and that's kind ofnice because a lot of people like toshoot just little clipsmakes editing and sorting your footagelater on quite a bit easier you knowinstead of going through a two-hourvideo file or an hour video file sothat's kind of a handy for some I'm surethere's gonna be a lot of people makinguse to that so yeah folks that is thenew hero seven black like I said this ismore just an unboxing and setting it upand checking out the menu system I'll begetting to work later this afternoondoing all kinds of tests and reviews andcomparisons and I'll be doing a initialoppression video probably in the nextcouple days so you want to make sure youstay tuned for that make sure yousubscribe so you don't miss anything thehero 7 is available for purchase now inmost retail stores online at GoPro andon Amazon and I'll include the linksdown below where you can purchase itI'll also include the links to thememory that I like to use and the ones Irecommend for the hero 7 black now 

theAmazon links do have my affiliate IDembedded into them and I do get a smallcommission if you do purchase them itdoesn't cost you anything extra and ifyou enjoy my videos enjoy my channel mycontent and my tutorials it's a greatway to help support my channel withoutactually spending any extra money and itreally helps me continue and purchasethis kind of equipment for a review wellfolks that's it for my video thanks alot for watching give this video athumbs up that really helps me grow mychannel as well don't forget to commentdown below 

what your thoughts are on thehero 7 black don't forget to subscribeand we'll see you in the next one

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